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Living trusts & wills
Planning end-of-life events can be uncomfortable. However, in our warm, friendly atmosphere, we will do what we can to make it easy for you and your loved ones. We’ll turn your plan into a legal document that you can use when you need it most.

Family disputes, including divorces, can be just as uncomfortable as end-of-life events. Keep the stress to a minimum. Barr Renter’s Service is here to help carry some of your burden.

If you find yourself facing a possible eviction from your rental property, your first call should be to Barr Renter’s Service. Get the assistance you need to stay in your rental a little longer.

If you feel like you’ll be stuck in debt for the rest of your life because you can only make the minimum payments, you can get the relief you need to start living your life again by calling Barr Renter’s Service.